
CTE Gives Back! June 2021

Dare to Dream Children’s Foundation

June 2021

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”.    This familiar quotation and call to positive action rings so true when one looks at the origins of the Dare to Dream Children’s Foundation, the June 2021 recipient of the charitable dollars from the CTE Gives Back Program.  

It was the personal struggle as a child growing up in the unstable foster care system in New York that inspired Jan Tennyson to found this 501© nonprofit in 1987 in Dallas, Texas.  At the very core of the Foundation’s purpose is the mission: “To pick up the broken pieces of the lives of wounded youngsters in group homes, shelter, detention centers, and orphanages by providing life-skills education and ministry through role model speakers, cultural experiences (art, music, dance) and one-on-one mentoring.”

Serving youth aged 10-18, many of whom have been abused or neglected, the Dare to Dream Children’s Foundation has developed partnerships with Juvenile Departments, State Youth Commissions, youth shelters, group homes and orphanages.  In addition to this, the Foundation is positively impacting the lives of single abused moms and the homeless. 

The Foundation has received the Independent Charities Seal of Excellence Award as one of the Best in America.  Such recognition indicates that the Foundation has met the highest standards of public accountability, program effectiveness, and cost effectiveness.

We at Cable Tie Express are happy to make a charitable contribution this month to help the Dare to Dream Children’s Foundation build self esteem and positive character in youth, promoting opportunities for these children to become productive citizens of tomorrow.

To learn more about this month’s charitable recipient organization, please visit the website