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CTE Gives Back! September 2022


With a vision of a world without Type 1 Diabetes, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is the leading global organization funding Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) research.  This autoimmune disease can strike children and adults suddenly with no correlation to lifestyle or diet.  There is nothing one can do to prevent it nor is there currently a cure for this disease.  In short, with T1D the body stops producing insulin, a hormone the body needs to get energy from food, now requiring daily attention and manual intervention.  Monitoring blood sugar levels and balancing insulin doses in eating and activity throughout the day is key to the management of this disease.

This 501(c)(3) organization was founded in 1970 by parents determined to find a cure for their children with T1D with the ultimate goal of turning “TYPE ONE into TYPE NONE”.  Its focus is multifaceted from funding research to advocating for government support of research and new therapies and enabling them to come to market and be recommended by healthcare providers to connecting and educating the T1D community. 

While there is no cure for T1D, JDRF targets movement in this direction through screening, disease-modifying therapies, and cell therapies. 

Funding and investments for T1D research and development has been realized in the amount of $483M from both public and private sectors.  JDRF supporters and small, T1D focused companies brought in $57.3M of this; non-government agencies and Foundations $17.2M; US and international secured governments account for $180.3M; and industry partners including pharmaceutical and technology companies invest $228.2M in this research. 

It is with pride and pleasure that Cable Tie Express is donating its CTE Gives Back! charity dollars this month to JDRF.  We are all part of the equation to change the way people live with T1D with the goal of ending this disease once and for all. 

For additional information regarding T1D or JDRF, please visit